by John Carleton
As the 4th EU Championship, the second to be held in Liverpool drew to a
close I could not but help cast my mind back to a summer's evening in
2005. On that evening I sat drinking wine with a friend of some 45
years, David Robertson. I think I may have had suspicions that Dave had
been at the wine for quite some time before my arrival as he began to
outline an audacious idea to bid for [successfully & spend] money to
stage chess events as part of the City of Culture celebrations. Even
with the optimism generated by flowing wine it became difficult to
imagine all the hurdles being overcome.
But overcome they were and on that memorable day in September 2006 when
play began in the 2nd EU Championship at the World Museum it seemed as
though heaven, in the shape of all those great chess players, had really
arrived in Liverpool.
2nd EU Winner 2006 GM Nigel
Short |
World Museum horseshoe gallery
in 2006 |
In fact it was really only the opening phase of the great adventure. For
me I was proud to be taking part and proud the event was in my home
city, Liverpool. For Dave hundreds of hours had already been invested in
the incredible variety of tasks needed to get the venture rolling. Prime
among those tasks it seems to me was the assembly of the various teams
of workers needed to bring the hopes to fruition. Groups that caught
my eye were the Techies who mysteriously and magnificently beamed our
tournament to a waiting world but also the more traditional silent
workers in the controllers' team and the financial wizards who made sure
all the sums added up. The thanks given to all involved in these groups
should be repeated ad nauseum by the chess communities of Liverpool,
Britain, The EU and indeed the World.

The Open section was
very popular and well attended
On a parochial note I would like
to draw particular attention to the contributions of various
Merseysiders whose work in these groups really brought Liverpool to the
attention of the chess world: Dave Farley, Dave Welch, Peter Purland and
Steve Connor spring immediately to mind.
The middlegame arrived in 2007: the UK V China match showed many of us
first-hand, a new dimension to our glorious game. In addition we again
got a chance to cross swords or at least rub shoulders with the
assembled masters and grandmasters making up a great Open tourney in our
city. I am proud to be able to say "I was there"

The Open ran in
parallel with the UK China summit match
During this phase I began to recognise that another team was fighting
the Liverpool Chess cause with a passion. This team is the whole
Robertson family. In less correct times Laura's contribution might have
been generalised to being one of the army of great women lurking behind
great men but it was richly clear that she brought alongside Dave her
expertise, enthusiasm and energy and her contribution was outstanding.

The match took place on the staged area of
the concert hall
The younger children Tom and Bethany had always been adept at fielding
phone calls and suddenly they, along with their elder sister Gemma were
seized upon as the ideal British family by our Chinese visitors. Gemma
by now had emerged as the third adult in the family, always an energetic
and friendly prescience at the social gatherings. Personally, I would
like to thank Gemma for her excellent guide to the "abundant skin and
fake tan" Liverpool guide which I am gradually working my way through
2008 website for details]

The Grand Hall Henry
Willis Organ, built in 1855

Foreground left:
International Master Jovanka Houska
And so to the Capital of Culture year itself with the
British Championships at St.
George's Hall and the Endgame where it started at the World Museum. What
an endgame! The cornucopia of chess and superb players all around make
me proud to be able to say "I was there". The
website gives a great
summary of the chess content and indeed the whole celebration.

left: Jan Werle
(winner of the EU 08 tournament) v GM Michael Adams
142 players competed in the
splendid and spacious World Museum horseshoe gallery |
Continuing the parochial line can I just make a few suggestions for
honourary Scousership amongst the many friends and servants of chess who
have fought the Liverpool cause at various stages over the last few
years: [in no particular order] Dave Clayton, Steve Hughes, Geoff Jones,
Stuart Reuben, Manuel Weeks, Grandmaster Nigel Short and John Saunders
and repeat our thanks to them.

Prof. David Robertson
Above all we have of course to thank Dave Robertson for his vision,
indefatigable drive, incurable optimism and sheer bloody-mindedness for
bringing us the chess events of our lives. I for one was proud to have
been there.