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Atticus - Photo Archive
Gary, remember
this from 1982?

larger version
Success for
Atticus in 1977

(left to right foreground): Dave Robertson, Dave
James, John Ripley, Sheila Jackson.
Pete MacKrell (half-hidden), Jim Cassin, Mike Price, John
(back): Martin
Burbidge, Tom Bimpson,
Howard Sleeman and Bernie
larger version |
Visionaries and freshman
in 1966 -
with thanks to Dave Robertson

Trophies and prizes in the Liverpool and District Chess
League, which embraces chess clubs from the Liverpool,
Southport, Chester, South West Lancashire and Wirral, were
presented by Mr. Arthur Roche, president and captain of
Wallasey Chess Club, during the annual general meeting held
at Police Headquarters, Hardman Street, Liverpool. In the
picture (left to right) are: Mr. Peter Crook of Skelmersdale
Chess Club (the open winner); Mr. Donald Levin, of the Giro
Chess Club (fifth division trophy); Mr. Alec Boswell, of
Liverpool Chess Club (open runner-up); the president Mr.
Leonard Ainsworth, of Chester Chess Club, first division
champions, who received the Silver Rook Trophy; Mr. Geoff
Hall, of Kirkdale Chess Club (second division champions);
and Mr. Dave Robertson, also of the Kirkdale Chess Club, who
won the Knockout Cup. (Liverpool Echo 1973)
Photo provided by Stephen Connor |